"Liz gave me straightforward, common sense advice about how to present myself in public."
Colin Philpott
Director, National Media Museum
Director, National Media Museum

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Visual Impact
It takes seven seconds to form a first impression. Whether within a corporate or personal context, Liz helps to make those seconds count.
In times of increased competition the way we dress matters. Companies may face these challenges:
- The importance of visual impact in winning business is overlooked
- Employees don't dress appropriately
- The dress code doesn't work
- Staff look second best compared to the competition
- How do we do business casual?
Male or female, we sometimes face those difficult dressing moments:
- New role requires a wardrobe update
- Need to dress for a special event
- Love the idea of new clothes but hate the idea of shopping
- Something life-changing has knocked personal confidence
- What to wear for marketing shots, videos and photo shoots