Be yourself- everyone else is already taken. Oscar Wilde"Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman." Chanel

"I cannot recommend Liz highly enough, her fun, non-judgemental and professional approach to her work very quickly put me at my ease and I fully intend to use her again."

Catherine Adamson, Managing Director
Kaleidoscope Executive PA Services
Saville Row

Personal Styling

Male or female, we sometimes face those difficult dressing moments:

  • New role requires a wardrobe update
  • Need to dress for a special event
  • Love the idea of new clothes but hate the idea of shopping
  • Something life-changing has knocked personal confidence
  • What to wear for marketing shots, videos and photo shoots


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"Liz gave me straightforward, common sense advice about how to present myself in public."

Colin Philpott, Director
National Media Museum

Liz Clothier helps you build a wardrobe you love with:

  • Personal consultations
  • Wardrobe sorts
  • Wardrobe cataloguing
  • Accompanied shopping trips
  • Special event shopping